We're proud to announce the alpha release of the [**Cross-Chain SDK**][Cubist SDK], the first SDK designed for multi-chain and cross-chain development. [**The SDK is open source and available here.**][sdkgithub]<br>
The SDK offers: <br>
- **seamless cross-chain bridging**. Write your smart contracts as if they're deployed on the same chain, and Cubist will automatically generate the tricky (and risky!) bridge code that connects them. <br>
- **multi chain support**. Deploy your smart contracts across [Ethereum][Ethereum], [Polygon][Polygon], [Avalanche][Avalanche], and [Avalanche subnets][Avalanche subnets]—or switch chains by changing a single line in your config file. More chains coming soon!<br>
- **multi language support**. Write your dapp in [JavaScript][JSDocs], [TypeScript][JsDocs], or [Rust][RustDocs]. More languages coming soon!<br>
- **local testnet management**. Let Cubist spin up private testnets with funded accounts, then reliably and repeatably test your dapp locally or in CI.<br>
- **public testnet support**. Go from local to public testnet by changing a single configuration parameter.<br>
- **cross-chain dapp templates**. Bootstrap your cross-chain dapp by choosing from one of our ready-made templates (e.g., for a [token bridge][TokenBridge]).<br>
Check out our [5-minute tutorial][5minTutorial]; if you want to learn more about how the Cross-Chain SDK works behind the scenes, our [advanced documentation][StorageApp] provides a more detailed walkthrough of that same tutorial. **And if you want to give the SDK a spin,** [**start building here!**][sdkgithub]<br>
[Cubist SDK]: https://docs.cubist.dev/<br>
[sdkgithub]: https://github.com/cubist-labs/<br>
[JsDocs]: https://docs.cubist.dev/jsdoc<br>
[RustDocs]: https://docs.cubist.dev/rustdoc/cubist_sdk/<br>
[5minTutorial]: https://docs.cubist.dev/guide/quick-start<br>
[StorageApp]: https://docs.cubist.dev/guide/advanced-examples/Cross-chain-storage-app<br>
[TokenBridge]: https://docs.cubist.dev/guide/advanced-examples/Cross-chain-token-bridge<br>
[Ethereum]: https://ethereum.org/en/<br>
[Polygon]: https://polygon.technology/<br>
[Avalanche]: https://www.avax.network/<br>
[Avalanche subnets]: https://docs.avax.network/subnets<br>